
Helping You Look Good

How it all began

My name is Jane, I am a permanent make-up artist and a practicing international trainer. I have more than 20 diplomas in the field of permanent makeup, as well as a diploma of higher economic education. My students become successful artist in the field of permanent makeup, adopting my knowledge and experience, and clients come back and tell their friends about me.

I was an accountant for 7 years. I started my way as an assistant accountant and grew up to the position of the chief accountant in a company that worked in the field of foreign economic activity. At the time, I did not even suspect that life could be more interesting and eventful!  

One day I learned about the microblading service from a colleague. She told me a story about how her friend was successfully working in this field in Italy. This procedure is a fairly popular one in Europe and the USA. By that time, I already understood that I got to the top of my career as an accountant and needed more space for further growth. Having the opportunity to travel and see the world, I realized that the variety of career opportunities is pretty wide. That you can have a free schedule, do what really brings pleasure, while living anywhere in the world. The diploma of higher economic education did not give me such opportunities. But later, this experience gave me the opportunity to build my business from scratch within the law, observing all legal norms.

I also would like to mention that in my student years I had experience in the beauty industry as a front desk administrator, so I had a chance to see this industry from the inside. I got very enthusiastic over the idea of mastering the profession of a permanent makeup artist. I began to actively look for a school in Moscow, which could give a state diploma in the field of PMU and chose one of the largest. This was the beginning of my fascinating journey into the world of permanent makeup. Then I began to work hard to gain experience faster.

I did not stop at microblading and chose more natural techniques (now I work mainly in the powder coating technique). I strongly believe that every person is beautiful and unique. I’m just highlighting the features of each of you. That’s why I won’t let you leave me with patterned eyebrows or “behind the contour” lips.

The new profession turned out to be so profitable that my income opened up new opportunities for me: traveling, shopping, personal care, helping parents, charities. I began to live the life I always wanted to, not focusing on money, remaining independent, continuing to do what I love.

A year later, the school where I studied invited me to teach – it was a great honor for me. During the year I analyzed the knowledge and realized that there was something missing in the program. Somewhere I wanted to give more details, but in some parts I wanted to change the program completely.  

Therefore, I have compiled my training guide in such a way that students always have all the information on the course at hand. I wrote everything in detail, with an understandable and simple language.

After 5 years, I realized that I had grown enough in the profession and wanted more. Plus, the Moscow climate did not suit me, I decided to move closer to the ocean and the sun. The choice fell on the USA.

The experience of working with different types of skin obtained in Moscow was useful to me. Clients flew to me from Israel, Spain, Cyprus and other countries. Moscow is a multinational city where girls from different countries live and study. The USA is also a multinational country, and my experience in Moscow with different cases made it possible to start here boldly and confidently. During my entire practice (in Moscow and the US) I have done more than 10,000 works.

What did permanent makeup give me?

First is income and the opportunity to work in the schedule that is convenient for me. I myself choose which clients I want to work with and in which country I want to live.

Second is meeting interesting people, among whom I have made friends. Even celebrities come to me for procedures: TV hosts, actresses, singers, bloggers. I have found a large circle of acquaintances of different professions, and I can now ask them for any help: doctors, lawyers, economists.

In a year I was able to create a business from scratch in a country where no one knew me before. Having previous experience in accounting, I understand the importance of having the necessary permits and licenses. Within a few months, I completed all the necessary documents that meet the requirements of the state and local health department. Thanks to my high-quality work and reverent attitude towards clients, I was able to gain respect. No doubt it was difficult, but I figured it all out and now I help my students with the execution of all necessary documents. I tell and explain how to build your business from scratch, how to find clients, how to get all the licenses.

By choosing me as a teacher, you choose a fastidious mentor who will teach you how to work and hold your hand from the first day of training to completing all the documents to start your career.

What do I have now?

My work has dramatically changed my life and the lives of my students and clients. I gained confidence not only in myself, but also in my future. It is an opportunity to travel where you want, when you want and how you want. This profession has shown and revealed my potential. Now I am in that part of the world where many dream to be. I live in California, a beautiful state with a pleasant climate. I am surrounded by unique people, and I continue to expand the circle of interesting acquaintances. I still have the opportunity to fully provide for myself and my family, to help relatives and friends

And all this became possible only due to my profession.
I continue to study, train, improve my skills and do not miss new trends, new techniques and come up with something of my own. For my students I have created 3 tutorials for eyebrows, 2 tutorials for lips, lamination of eyelashes and eyebrows, my author’s techniques. Every time I find or invent something myself, I add it all to the training materials.
I am sure that if I had stayed at my previous job, I would not have had any of the above. It is unlikely that I would live now in this country and would be in the harmony with the world and myself like I am now.
A permanent makeup is an opportunity to work with beautiful, confident and complete people, with those who choose the best for themselves.
And I also teach each of my students to enjoy work and earn decent money at the same time! I reveal the potential of everyone, instill love for a new business and show how to create your own profitable business!

contact info

Address: 18321 Ventura Blvd, Ste.530,Tarzana,CA ,91356
Phone: (213)476-5055